Staring at cranes as the bulls doze Mind the pay packets and overalls All the way that the wind blows Heritage prison museum grows Mouths the shape of a window Me and the old men watch it explode Ask ourselves where the woman go Look at the guy trapped in his coat Lass who can't speak with her stuck throat Mary has all of our bad dreams Waits for the hair to grow back when Emptiness is the season Word begs for ideas and reason And (then) shit's what the wind blows P'raps it's a question of balance Justice and Reason and Madness (To) tacklethe Power of the Grind, Man, You need the Power of Mind, Man, And someone who'll remind you You left your laughter behind you So the wind couldn't find you Heritage prison museum grows Close your eyes tight you'll it explode See the remains of that fact(o)ry N'conjure a rose from its chimney In a Mindgame you give it to me And I cray out though my wind-hole "It's the way that the wind blows"
Hitzak: David Edgar Passingham Musika: Kepa Junkera